Category: Energy

  • The First Step After a Breakup (Introduction 2)

    The ultimate goal for many is reconciliation. However, seeking reconciliation through desperate pleading is a rather low-level approach. What everyone hopes for is to earnestly plead and wait for the other person to respond with a parental-like tone, saying, “Okay, since you acknowledge your mistake, I will forgive you. Just make sure you don’t repeat…

  • The secret of love

    Everyone wishes to experience falling in love, but what exactly is love? Why do we develop feelings for someone, and why does love sometimes have an expiration date? The common explanation is that it’s a matter of fate or serendipity, but there are underlying natural patterns at play. This blog aims to uncover the secrets…

  • The First Step After a Breakup (Introduction 1)

    After a breakup, it’s common for individuals to have an immediate instinct to try and win their ex-partner back. They search the internet for various methods, learn different persuasive techniques, and speculate about their ex-partner’s psychology and preferences. They go to great lengths to lower their own stature and present themselves in a subservient manner,…